Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Meal Management

One of the hardest things to change in this adventure of natural living is, by far, food. That seems like such an integral part of trying to be more "crunchy" and it totally is! But, for a family that had gotten in the habit of eating Hamburger Helper or some other prepackaged processed stuff multiple time a week, it's really freaking hard! I'm just trying to be real, y'all. (You know I'm getting real when I say "y'all," y'all.) Things have gotten kind of rough around here! Anybody that has worked full time and come home to a toddler screaming "HUNGEE! HUNGEE!" as soon as they walk in the door knows where I'm coming from here. Heck, a lot of you stay at home mamas probably know where I'm coming from too! Life is busy!

I remember when Little Miss started eating solid food. I was so particular about what I gave her! All organic. Nothing processed. But somewhere along the way I got a little more lax, and a little more lax, and a little more, and a little more until we ended up here. Big backslide, right? Well, a big portion of this journey is to learn that every happens with time. There are no quick fixes, and there's also no changing the past. I can't take all of that processed junk back out of our bodies. The best that I can do is let go of the guilt that surrounds our eating habits and start making a change.

We're talking baby steps here. We won't be all organic and GMO free in a matter of months, or maybe years, or maybe even ever! But I'm going to start with making home cooked meals a much bigger priority. Once the habit is set, I have no doubt that it will be much easier to plug in more and more wholesome choices.

Pray for me in this. My sanity is begging for it!

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