Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Flats & Handwashing Challenge Day 3: Diaper Laundry DIY!

Let's be real for minute. This is a lazy post. The kids were crazy today and the baby didn't go to bed until after 10:30. We also weren't given a blog prompt today. But, in the spirit of the challenge, I wanted to post something, so I decided to make a post about some of the DIY projects associated with the challenge.

Camp Washer 

5 gal bucket and lid

Step 1: Drill a whole in the center of the lid large enough for the plunger handle to fit through 

I borrowed the drill from my parents and there's a possibility it was used to build the Mayflower. This is a "no-frills" type of power tool, so there is no fancy "large hole making" attachment (see how advanced my power tool lingo is?), so I just used a regular drill bit and carved the best possible circle I could. *Note: After actually using the the washer I decided that the lid was more annoying than useful, so you could skip this step.

Step 2: Drill holes in the plunger

This was more difficult than I thought it would be. That drill weighs about a million pounds and kept slipping all around, but it got the job done. 


DIY Splatter Shield

On a whim I just cut off the top and bottom of an empty detergent jug (after rinsing it out really well),  then duct taped the top with the handle to the side, and added a chip clip to hold the diaper to it. It works....ok. The chip clip isn't quite strong enough to hold a super soggy diaper, but it does contain some of the splatter. I didn't pay anything for it, so it is what it is. I do like that it keeps the diaper from flopping everywhere while I spray it.

Day 3 Update

Like I said above, it wasn't the smoothest day. Diapering was fine, but everything else was just out of sorts. And, of course, Ellie pooped as soon as I was done with the diaper laundry. I am overly annoyed by the fact that there is still now 1 diaper in the pail.

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