By the time I accepted that this very well could be the
real deal my day was already beginning. I knew the baby I was keeping
was likely already on his way to me, and based on how my previous labors
had gone I decided I could keep him at least until lunch time. I let my
other daycare families know that I was likely in labor and wouldn't be
able to keep the bigger kiddos. I told Mike to go on to work and I'd let
him know if he needed to come home. As I sat on the couch waiting for
the baby to be dropped off Evelyn woke up. Instead of immediately asking
to turn on cartoons like usual she sat with me quietly and laid her
head on my legs. She knew something was up.
As the morning went on I tried to get some last minute
things in order. I notified my midwives and doula that I was in the
early stages of labor and handling it well and would keep everyone
informed. I showered and braided my hair. Ellie insisted on trying to
sit in my lap while I bounced on my exercise ball and braided. I ordered
groceries and then called my mom to let her know what was happening and
ask if she could get the groceries when they were ready. She offered to
come on over to help me get ready and I reluctantly accepted. I figured
I had plenty of time and didn't want to monopolize everyone's whole
Contractions continued steadily throughout the morning, but
I was keeping busy caring for the baby, getting snacks for the girls,
and trying to finish up all the little things I wanted to have done. I
really really wanted to get the floors mopped. I couldn't sit still long
enough to time the contractions and I was so focused on getting things
done that as long as I was able to get around fine I wasn't really
focusing on the subtle changes in intensity.
What I did notice was that I was beginning to feel anxious
and uneasy. I even texted my doula, Mary Beth, that I was afraid I
wouldn't get everyone notified in time. She assured me that she was
available whenever I wanted her.
A little after 11am I told Mike to come on home at lunch,
and he said he would leave work about 12:30pm. I also confirmed with the
baby's mom that she would be picking him up around 1pm. I began needing
to focus more through the contractions, but they were still manageable.
About 12:20pm I asked Mary Beth to come on over whenever
she could. I also updated my midwives that contractions were averaging
about 5 minutes apart and I was still able to walk and talk through
them. At this stage I felt as though it might only be a few more hours
before we met our girl!
Fairly suddenly, as I was hurrying around getting the
baby's things ready to send to the back up sitter, I found myself having
to stop and brace myself with each contraction. I also kept feeling the
need to use the bathroom. At 12:50 pm I called my primary midwife,
Katie, and left a voicemail telling her that things had suddenly become
much more intense and asked that she call me back when she could. A few
minutes later Mike got home and I breathed a little sigh of relief. At
12:56 the baby's mom texted that she was on her way and a minute later
my doula texted the same.
A few minutes after 1pm the baby's mom arrived and as she
was packing him up she asked how I was feeling. I said that I was doing
ok, but that I didn't think it would be much longer. In my mind "much
longer" meant maybe an hour or two, but as she was walking out the door a
very strong contraction hit that had me clutching the back of the couch
for support and I felt my water break. I ran to the bathroom while
gasping to Mike to call Elizabeth, our back up midwife. Previous
experience told me that water breaking meant baby coming! When Mike got
ahold of the midwife she asked if fluid was clear (I couldn't tell) and
if I could feel baby moving (I couldn't in that moment), and said she
was on her way. As I sat on the toilet I could hear my mom in the other
room ask Mike if they should be setting up the birth pool. Meanwhile I
reached down and could feel my baby crowning and attempted to
communicate that there wasn't time to worry about the birth pool. I
looked my husband square in the face and said "She's coming NOW." As my
body bore down I realized there was no way I could catch a baby while
sitting on the toilet. I fell forward onto my hands and knees,
essentially trapping my poor stunned husband in one small corner of the
bathroom. I instructed him to put a towel between my legs and told him
he would have to catch her. I breathed and tried my best to relax and
with one contraction her head was born. A moment later, at approximately
1:12pm, another contraction brought our Eden Louise completely earth
side into her daddy's hands! We were all completely in shock and it was a
comedy of errors trying to get me righted and my baby in my arms.
kept trying to call to my big girls, but I was too breathless to make
much sound. My little lady, on the other hand, had quite a set of lungs!
Mom brought the girls in after a few minutes and Ellie's rather
unimpressed reaction was "It loud!" At some point in the immediate chaos
Elizabeth called to say that she was on the road and we told her that
baby had already made her sudden debut! She went down a simple checklist
for us to assess baby, all of which she passed perfectly, and said she
would be here soon. Some part of my brain realized that I hadn't had any
more contractions and I began to worry about the placenta, though my
logical brain knew that there was no need to worry and it would come
when it was ready. I sat, still dumbstruck, on the floor cuddling my
baby and offering the breast, which she seemed completely uninterested
About 10 minutes after birth Mary Beth arrived. She was
just as shocked as the rest of us to walk in and hear tiny baby cries.
She and Mike helped me up off the floor and into bed, where the placenta
immediately delivered itself. Mary Beth brought me yogurt and water,
and my big girls finally came to have a real look at their new baby
sister. Now that we were in a more comfortable position Eden decided she
was ready to nurse and she latched on well right away.
After another 30 minutes or so Elizabeth arrived. She
checked us both over and found us to be perfectly healthy. Eden received
an APGAR score of 9 and weighed in at 7 lbs 5 oz and 20.5 inches long.
We spent the next hour talking and laughing about the
events of the day and marveling at this perfect baby girl. We ordered
pizza while Elizabeth filled out paperwork, the girls watched cartoons,
and Mike and Mary Beth made sure I had whatever I needed. After picking
up groceries for us mom took Evie and Ellie back to her house for a
sleep over. Once they were sure Mike and I were comfortable and set
Elizabeth and Mary Beth headed out as well and we were alone in the
quiet with our new precious bundle.
I can certainly say that Eden's birth did not go at all how
I had imagined, but once she arrived I couldn't imagine her making her
arrival any other way! What a beautiful experience to welcome our
daughter together so intimately and then have her immediately surrounded
by loving family and friends! Hers has been, by far, my quickest and
easiest labor. 8 hours from first contraction to birth (several of those
hours I was either in denial or simply ignoring the fact that I was in
labor), and no pushing. She knew when and how she wanted to be born and
when she decided it was time there was no stopping her! Even a year
later I am still in awe of her birth and do thankful for such an amazing